Reinventing Urban Housing - The Manag'r Method
Faced with the multiple sources of indoor pollution - building materials, paint or even mold - and their harmful impacts on our respiratory tracts, new construction models are being implemented.
©Trianon Résidences
As a result of the partnership between Trianon Résidences and the French Ecological Transition Agency, the Hoséa building in Cernay (Alsace) is a demonstrator of the MANAG'R experiment, which aims to integrate indoor air quality throughout the construction process, from the initial diagnosis to the delivery of the building.
The MANAG'R method is based on four pillars: educating all stakeholders on the importance of air quality; construction methods guided by measurements of air pollution; choice of materials and control at the time of delivery and up to 10 months later.
The application of this methodology makes it possible to decompartmentalize the energy efficiency and air quality aspects by relying on technical and awareness-raising tools.
The experimentation also allows to improve ambient air quality by promoting ecomobility. Indeed, electric bicycles are made available to users to optimize their trips and reduce the use of cars.
Date of creation: 2004
Legal form: SA
Number of employees: 28
Turnover: 40 M€
CEO: Cédric Simonin
Sector of intervention: Construction
Geographical area: Alsace ; Lyon
Notable achievements:
VIVACITY in Strasbourg - 82 low-carbon housing units, with district heating and green spaces
HEART DECO in SAINT LOUIS (On the Swiss border) - Depolluting facade: the first in France
EUREKA in SAINT LOUIS (On the Swiss border) - Implementation of car-sharing vehicles
CANDIDE in ILLKIRCH-GRAFFENSTADEN - Connected greenhouse for urban agriculture
VERT CITY in STRASBOURG - Wooden construction of 42 housing units. 64 photovoltaic panels for the energy of the common areas, shared greenhouse for urban agriculture
HOSEA in CERNAY - Demonstrator building for indoor air quality, which allowed the calibration of the ECRAINS label of ADEME
This article was written following the Transition Forum Call for Expressions of Interest. Hoséa is part of the top 20 selected projects.