3 Questions to Cédric Simonin, CEO of Trianon Residences


Trianon Résidences - Cédric Simonin.png


TF - What problems does Manag'R address?

CS - Trianon Residences has been aware of indoor air quality matters for nearly 10 years.

The company wondered if the indoor air quality of its residences was optimal, for the well-being and comfort of the final occupant, whether he is an owner or a tenant.

Studies reveal that IAQ is 5 times more polluted than outside.

With a rate of 30% of clinically allergic people worldwide, which is expected to reach 50% by 2050, IAQ is becoming a major health issue.


How to take all Indoor Air Quality issues into account throughout the construction process from diagnosis to the reception of the building?

  • Choice of materials

  • Choice of ventilation

  • Outside Air Quality

  • Mode of construction

  • Definition of good practices in construction and use

TF - How does the Manag'R method concretely address these issues? 

Trianon Residences initially associated itself with specialists within the medical corps of the University Hospital of Strasbourg, in particular Professor Frédéric De Blay, allergist, who has carried out a precise diagnosis of the materials used in the company's projects.

More than 50 products from our industrial partners were analyzed and selected according to their impact on IAQ.

The results of this diagnosis led to concrete and innovative solutions that were implemented in order to improve the indoor air quality of the residences.

Trianon Residences wanted to structure this approach by creating the "Healthy Building" label.

The company is, to date, recognized as having the most advanced approach in France.

In 2016, it was selected to integrate the project initiated by the French Agency for the Environment and Energy Management (ADEME): the Manag'R method.

Manag'R is an innovative approach of ADEME.

It is a management method that aims to integrate indoor air quality throughout the construction process. The objective is to provide all actors, from the programming to the reception of the buildings (owners, engineering and design departments, programmers, project management teams, companies...), with the methodological, technical and communication means allowing to integrate efficiently the indoor air quality issue in any type of construction.

The HOSEA residence in Cernay, which has the "Healthy Building" label, was designed using the Manag'R methodology.

Hoséa is therefore the first pilot residential program in France to measure indoor air quality within the framework of Manag'R.

Manag'R also allows Trianon Residences to make a feedback, in order to define the possible improvements on its future building sites. It also serves as a laboratory to determine good practices for the implementation of future regulations.

Hoséa is also among the first programs in France to be equipped with electrically assisted bicycles (EAB) and specific infrastructure dedicated to this ecomobility solution.

The aim of this project is to limit the use of cars in an environment close to shops. During the inauguration, the residents were given the keys to the bikes.

Within the framework of this project, Trianon Residences participated in the 4th National Conference on Indoor Air Quality with ADEME, to present the results of IAQ measurements of its pilot residence Hoséa.


TF - What would be the ideal scenario for the development and diffusion of the Manag'R method?

Today, we have defined a methodology for our constructions with the "Healthy Building" label and an exhaustive set of specifications for products/materials selected according to their impact on IAQ.

The IAQ approach applies to all of our construction processes and to all phases of the program, from diagnosis to the delivery of the building and even after the delivery (guide to good practices for occupants).

In an ideal scenario of development and dissemination, all the actors of the construction industry, whether elected officials, industrialists and builders or companies and craftsmen of the sector (tilers, plasterers, masons...) would commit to an IAQ charter adapted to the territory and which integrates a methodology and a reference base of materials and products recommended for their non-emissive properties.

Those 3 questions were written following the Transition Forum Call for Expressions of Interest. Hoséa is part of the top 20 selected projects.

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