[Save the Date] TRANSITION Forum 2022: Time to accelerate

Nice, September 29-30, 2022

We are glad to announce the 5th edition of the TRANSITION FORUM!


After four successful editions, which brought together public and private decision-makers, project leaders and innovators to promote the emergence of concrete ecological transition projects, the association Transition Forum, the Nice Côte d’Azur Metropolis and La Tribune are pleased to announce the launch of the 5th TRANSITION FORUM in Nice.

This year, the FORUM will focus on the theme of acceleration : at a time when it is clear that the ecological transition is a climatic, social and economic issue, as well as one of sovereignty and democracy, it is indeed time to accelerate.


The health crisis, yesterday, and the energetic crisis, today, present us with challenges whose importance is measured by the dangers that threatens us. At the press conference on 5 April 2022, Lionel Le Maux, President of Aqua Asset Management and Founder of the TRANSITION FORUM, stressed that :

« Never has the issue of energy independence seemed so important. Never has the issue of climate change seemed more urgent. It is therefore more necessary than ever to accelerate the ecological transition : projects, investment decisions and financing must multiply. Very quickly. »

Only a major transformation of our societal and economic models can enable us to adapt and contain global warming to 1.5°. The IPCC, in the third part of its sixth assessment report, shows us that this change cannot be stopped without new, strong and courageous measures.

It is time to act. To decarbonise our countries, our industries, our models and our lives. To create a new world where practices that respect our environment are widespread. We need to systematise virtuous models now, and to accelerate the deployment of solutions. The nations that invest in the transition, and achieve their transformation most rapidly, by creating new sectors and new jobs, will be stronger.

Everyone needs to get involved!

The decarbonation targets that have been adopted have been set for 2030 and 2050. These horizons set us a course, but they may seem far away. They entail a risk, that waiting for the deadline to implement the necessary transformations of our production systems, our ways of living, of moving and of feeding ourselves.

For this fifth edition, the TRANSITION FORUM will bring together numerous public, private, industrial, citizen and consumer actors; all committed to implementing concrete solutions in our territories. 

  FORUM 2018

FORUM 2019
FORUM 2020
FORUM 2021


We look forward to seeing you on September 29 and 30 in Nice!

For further information, please write to contact@transition-forum.org.

Founded by Aqua Asset Management, the TRANSITION FORUM brings together each year major actors of change at the international level, who share the same commitment to a sustainable world. The TRANSITION FORUM is:

  • An event of doers: concrete action is at the heart of TRANSITION FORUM’s DNA, it is its strength and identity;

  • Public-private cooperation as its backbone : a rich content thanks to the diversity of speakers, a multiplicity of profiles that encourages exchanges and cooperation with a variety of public and private decision-makers, solution providers, academics, territories and SMEs;

  • An audience of decision-makers: each year, the forum attracts high-level participants from all professional sectors, most of whom are in decision-making or arbitration positions.

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