Supporting the Agricultural Transition – Le Printemps des Terres
Agriculture alone accounts for nearly one fifth of greenhouse gas emissions in France. To mitigate climate change, farmers are called upon to provide environmental services.
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The French company Le Printemps des Terres supports them through investment. It identifies projects requiring investment, buys the land, leases it to the farmer carrying the project, and finances the ecological enhancements - notably carbon sequestration and actions favorable to biodiversity. By the end of the process, it gives the farmer the right to buy the land back. By becoming the temporary owner, Le Printemps des Terres allows the farmer to benefit from the long-term investments.
Corporate name: Printemps des Terres
Date of creation: 02/02/2020
Legal form: SASU
Number of employees: 3
Turnover: 0 €
President: Laurent Piermont
CEO: Sylvain Goupille
Sector of intervention:
Printemps des Terres is primarily involved in the agricultural, forestry, and environmental and soil protection sectors in France (particularly carbon sequestration and biodiversity protection). Its action is materialized by:
Investing in the acquisition of land in ecological transition: forest or agricultural plots, degraded wetlands, etc.
The ecological development of the acquired land:
Leasing agricultural plots to farmers in ecological transition
Financing actions to preserve biodiversity or sequester carbon on the acquired land
Geographic area: France
Notable achievements:
Ecological farm in Charente
Ecological farm in Mayenne
Forests in Grand Est
This article was written following the Transition Forum Call for Expressions of Interest. Le Printemps des Terres is part of the top 20 selected projects.