3 Questions to Sylvain Goupille, Managing Director of Printemps des Terres


TF - What issues does Le Printemps des Terres address?

SG - French agriculture, which is the largest in Europe, is faced with financing constraints, a decrease in added value, and a decrease in farmers' income, as well as an increased dependence on subsidies, particularly European subsidies.

However, it must respond to the ecological transition challenge, which impacts the farming profession and the agricultural land, and to the challenge of the retirement of one third of farmers in the coming years.

These issues are fundamental, because, on the one hand, agriculture occupies a very important place in France (53% of the land, more than 400,000 farms employing nearly one million people, approximately 2% of the GDP; it is the basis of a powerful agri-food industry and a significant part of France's trade surplus) and, on the other hand, it has a role to play in contemporary environmental issues, particularly with regard to the preservation of biodiversity and the fight against global warming.


TF - How does Le Printemps des Terres concretely adress these issues?

SG - Le Printemps des Terres finances the acquisition of land and leases the plots to farmers in ecological transition, thus facilitating the installation of young farmers or strengthening existing organic farming operations.

Le Printemps des Terres also finances the ecological valorization of land: methods and agricultural practices that allow for carbon sequestration (planting hedges, new crops, reforestation, etc.), or to restore and preserve biodiversity. This funding allows for the effective implementation of these practices, whether it be carbon sequestration and/or biodiversity protection.


TF - What would be the ideal scenario for the development of Le Printemps des Terres?

SG - Le Printemps des Terres is an operational company. The initial team is in place and the first acquisitions are underway, confirming the existence of a demand for the Printemps des Terres offer.

Le Printemps des Terres seeks to strengthen partnerships with economic actors seeking to achieve ecological neutrality for themselves and their clients, neutrality based on local projects and actors.

At the same time, Le Printemps des Terres is actively seeking innovative agricultural projects with a strong environmental dimension and a need for financing.

 In general, Le Printemps des Terres wishes to make its action known to all types of actors involved or wishing to become involved in the ecological transition, whether they are research actors, public decision-makers, or any other actor interested in the ecological transition of agriculture and the territories.

Those 3 questions were written following the Transition Forum Call for Expressions of Interest. Le Printemps des Terres is part of the top 20 selected projects.

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