3 Questions to Romain Vincent, President of Electric 55 Charging


Electric 55 Charging - Romain Vincent (2).jpeg


TF - What issues does Electric 55 Charging address?

RV - Electric vehicle registrations are growing rapidly. The development and maintenance of recharging infrastructures is currently severely hampered by historical business models.

The zero capex model and the technological innovations of Electric 55 Charging allow for a deployment that is up to 4 times faster, without heavy investment from local authorities.


TF - How does Electric 55 Charging concretely address these issues? 

RV - Currently, the vast majority of electric vehicle charging infrastructures are purchased by local authorities from service providers. The maintenance is then provided by service providers. Electric 55 Charging offers local authorities and companies the opportunity to invest in the infrastructure, to manage the network entirely and to be paid in return on the revenues generated by the network.

Because it is based on maximum use of the network, the disruptive Electric 55 Charging model ensures consistent access quality, strong competitiveness - up to 2.65 times cheaper than the competition - and transparent maintenance for the user.


TF - What would be the ideal scenario for the development and diffusion of Electric 55 Charging?

  • Generalization of the model pushed by the company, which has been underway since late 2020

  • Adaptation to the regulatory framework implemented by local authorities, as the E55C model is perfectly aligned with changes in the legal framework

  • Getting  closer to the traditional contacts of local authorities

  • Massive adoption of electric vehicles, which began in 2020.

Those 3 questions were written following the Transition Forum Call for Expressions of Interest. Electric 55 Charging is part of the top 20 selected projects.

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