TRANSITION FORUM 2021 - Register Now!


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4th edition - Time to co-operate
on the occasion of the Nice Transition Days

Thursday, September 30 & Friday, October 1
strarting at 8:30 am
in Nice, France



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We are pleased to invite you to participate in the 4th edition of the Transition Forum on September 30 & October 1 in Nice, France.

You are looking for new key partners to develop impactful projects?

You are convinced that it is necessary to implement rapid and unprecedented transformations to meet the climate and environmental challenges?

Come and meet the many innovators, investors, public and private decision-makers, entrepreneurs, researchers and civil society personalities participating to share their experiences and imagine the solutions for tomorrow.  This 4th edition, Time to co-operate, is dedicated to the development of new co-operations to accelerate the ecological transition and to enable an effective implementation of the Green Deal.

This 4th edition, Time to co-operate, is dedicated to the development of new co-operations in the service of the ecological transition and to the effective implementation of the Green Deal at the territorial level.

The 2 days of this international summit will be divided into 4 sequences:
Food - Mobility - Housing - Production and consumption


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The Transition Forum will welcome more than 70 French, European and international personalities: politicians, institutions, researchers, economists, scientists and companies will speak during a demanding and ambitious program.

A new deal, a Green Deal
Great organizations, great companies, great responsibilities
Decarbonizing mobility between territories
A solution for the ecological transition or The future of electric mobility
A new sustainable European agricultural policy
Organic production, local food systems: the challenges of food transition
The ecological transition, a lever for reindustrialization
Adapting cities to the challenges of transition
How to finance the infrastructures of the sustainable city?
Seas and Oceans at the heart of the climate challenges
Why will the future tourism industry be more sustainable?


Corinne LE QUERE - President of the High Council for Climate
Bruno LE MAIRE - Minister of Economy, Finance and Recovery, France
Barbara POMPILI - Minister of Ecological Transition, France
Lionel LE MAUX - President of Aqua Asset Management, President of the Transition Forum
Anne HIDALGO - Mayor of Paris
Christian ESTROSI - President of the Nice Côte d'Azur Metropolis, Mayor of Nice
Paul HOLTHUS – Founding President and CEO World Ocean Council
Marianne LAIGNEAU - Chairman of the Board of ENEDIS
Vincent LEMAIRE - President of Safra
Pascal CANFIN - Member of the European Parliament
Sylvie GOULARD - Deputy Governor of the Banque de France
SIMON BERNARD - Chairman Plastic Odyssey
Olivier SICHEL - General Manager of the Banque des Territoires 
Donald FRANCOIS - Founding President, SerenySun Energies
Aurélie JEAN - Dr. Computational Scientist, author of "De l'autre côté de la machine"
Renaud MUSELIER - President of Région Sud
Rachel KOLBE - Director of sustainable development, Invivo
Jean-Christophe TORTORA - President of La Tribune
José SANTUCCI - General Manager, Crédit Agricole Provence Côte d'Azur
Ines LEONARDUZZI - President, Digital for the Planet
Franck GOLDNADEL - Chairman of the Board, Aéroports de la Côte d'Azur
Dominique MOCKLY - Chairman and CEO, Terega
Sébastien FONBONNE - Deputy Managing Director of Ecocean

