3 Questions to Erwin Guizouarn, President of Evolution Energie


Evolution Energie - Erwin Guizouarn.jpg


TF - What issues does your project address?

EG - The aim of this project is to test and deploy new energy management systems, using the technologies of young innovative companies, associated with major actors in research and training in France, and this within three different intelligent campuses. The objective is to provide efficient energy management solutions at different levels (buildings, areas, vehicles), with energy production, storage and measurement equipment, communication networks and software to optimize and control these resources. These issues are critical because they represent the base of the pyramid of actions for energy savings, and actions at the level of political and societal commitments necessary to reduce the impact of human activity on climate.

TF - How does your project concretely address these issues? 

EG - The project addresses these issues by demonstrating the possibility of transposing a simple approach to all territories and actors wishing to invest, regardless of the specificity of the infrastructure. The technological or psychological limits of appropriation of a proven and replicable use case is too often the only obstacle to change management. We simply demonstrate that a global, coordinated and multi-fluid approach makes it possible to become aware of the assets of a territory, to optimize energy distribution, to improve energy efficiency and thus to reduce the associated environmental impact.

TF - What would be the ideal scenario for the development and diffusion of your project?

EG - The ideal scenario of development and diffusion of our project would be its adoption by a pioneer and voluntary territory in the implementation of such systems, and on a larger scale than today. The replication of the results, the (re)demonstration of the feasibility and the economic interest will be arguments for a wider adoption and a more important positive impact on climate.

Those 3 questions were written following the Transition Forum Call for Expressions of Interest. Evolution Energie is part of the top 20 selected projects.

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