3 Questions to André May, President of EverWatt


Levisys (EverWatt) - André May.jpg


TF - What issues does the Levisys project in Vietnam address?

AM - The Levisys project in Vietnam addresses the challenges of water stress in the world, the challenges of the energy transition, energy savings at the global level and finally the ecological challenges and the use of recyclable materials.


TF - How does your project concretely address these issues? 

AM - Levisys is a leading player in the field of energy storage. The company's core technology is a steel and carbon flywheel whose performance makes it a leader in the stationary energy storage market. Unlike the lithium-ion battery, which is today's benchmark storage system, the flywheel's materials do not contain rare earths and are largely recyclable.

In the Vietnam demonstrator, the flywheel acts as a complementary technology to the batteries. Coupled with the lithium-ion batteries of the desalination unit in Vietnam, the hybrid ESS flywheel + battery system is a world first that will eventually make it possible to supply drinking water from seawater or brackish water in areas under water stress and where the electrical grid is little to none developed  from a 100% renewable energy source (solar panels).


TF - What would be the ideal scenario for the development and diffusion of your project?

AM - The demonstrator in Vietnam is underway and we will have results by the end of the first half of 2021. We would like to mobilize the actors and investors behind this project as well as key stakeholders to promote this autonomous desalination project by hybrid storage system and establish a scale-up by the second half of 2021. The sites and locations under water stress in the Mekong delta and the feasibility studies were conducted by our partner LG Electronics. Unfortunately, the health crisis is slowing down the enthusiasm of the main stakeholders. The ideal scenario is therefore based on the end of the demonstrator stage in mid-2021, which would lead to a large-scale dissemination in the Mekong Delta and a production volume multiplied by 100 from 2022.

Those 3 questions were written following the Transition Forum Call for Expressions of Interest. Levisys is part of the top 20 selected projects.

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