3 Questions to Jérôme Koch, President of Cyme


Cyme - Jérôme Koch.jpg


TF - What problems does Cyme address?


  1. Decarbonizing the construction sector.

  2. Building better and faster living spaces that are virtuous in terms of construction and the environment, by reducing construction times and building sustainably (wood frame, ecological insulation, easily recyclable modular construction).

  3. Reducing the pollution of the building site (reduced time, maximum reduction of return trips to the building site, minimum intervention of the building trades...


  1. Enhance the value of neglected territories and their resources.

  2. Promote the adaptability of buildings to their environment.

  3. Promote a reasoned and happy densification; respond to the lack of housing and the presence of buildings of low spatial quality.

  4. To be part of a collaborative methodology with territorial actors: to rely on collaborative tools such as BIM, to set up efficient systems of territorial analysis (mapping tools showing the specific needs of the territories according to the places, etc.).

TF - How does Cyme concretely respond to these issues?


Bourges: 14 housing units / SNCF: temporary offices / Pyrénées: extension into natural sites.

  • Decarbonize: the use of wood frames on light foundations allows the carbon footprint of the buildings to be greatly reduced. (1)

  • Cyme is currently deploying its structures in Bourges where it is building a 14-unit housing complex in 4 months in the workshop and 2 months on site, compared to 18 months for conventional construction. (2 and 3)

  • These student housing units are designed as a collective village where a maximum of shared and evolving spaces are offered to the inhabitants. (5 and 6)

  • Cyme is building this project in its workshop in the heart of Allier, a region rich in workers and forests: Cyme's commitment is also societal, in favor of the revitalization of territories that have been neglected despite their strong potential. (4)

  • With the SNCF, Cyme is also conducting ongoing research on the potential for accompanying territorial transformations in the vicinity of stations in the Greater Paris area or in national regions. (4 and 7). The need for mutable spaces, buildings that can be moved or prefigured is colossal: currently, 400 tons of Algeco type metal structures are thrown away each year without being recycled! Cyme can and must respond to these mutation projects by proposing to decision-makers a decarbonized turnkey solution. (7)

  • Cyme accompanied a family who owned a building in the Pyrénées and wished to accommodate their children in an extension during the summer: the constraints of the natural territory, not very accessible and in an ABF zone, did not allow for a classic construction project. The technique of off-site prefabrication is the only one able to respond: the area is preserved from any polluting intervention, which would require digging up the natural ground or cutting trees. Only one truck is needed to deliver the building. Cyme proposes a construction made of local wood, designed with the craftsmen and vernacular techniques of the region, the reduced timing of the project can be respected and allows an intervention in occupied site. (2 3 and 4)


  • Imagine an ecology fair, or a conference on low-carbon solutions: Cyme can propose 100% recyclable structures to host these events.

  • Temporary use of disused or vacant places, wastelands, unused industrial parks. (The Cyme team has several years of experience in the event industry: sourcing management, logistics, relations with decision-making bodies, adaptability and reactivity).

  • Concerning the private market and the reduction of urban sprawl, Cyme also wishes to position itself as a disseminator and to transmit the possibilities of sustainable construction to everyone.

TF - What would be the ideal scenario for the development and dissemination of the project?


As a group of six entrepreneurial partners, our structure needs support to grow and remain competitive. We know that our project can be enriched by new dialogues, new encounters, and become more efficient through the partnerships it can integrate. It is therefore necessary to submit our ideas to the opinions of public and private decision-makers. The ideal scenario would be to be accompanied to consolidate our financial structure as soon as possible, to establish partnerships with industrialists to gain in constructive efficiency, and above all, to have support in research and development to remain competitive in a sector in constant evolution.

In order to do so:

  • Presenting our project to investors and financiers is a crucial step for us, in order to carry out our investments and realize our ambitions.

  • Cooperating with material suppliers, industrial groups or their research and development laboratories would also be necessary to remain competitive, innovative and at the cutting edge of technology. In this sense, we have already contacted the Saint Gobain group and agreed on a partnership with Argile paints.

  • The example of the RE2020, which is going to be implemented, requires us to anticipate and adapt to a constantly changing regulatory and technical framework. This requires us to surround ourselves with specialists in these matters. This support is essential but costly, without which our ambition cannot be met. Cyme has already surrounded itself with partners at the cutting edge of their fields but must now acquire the means to meet the challenges of tomorrow. To be accompanied on these studies and positions, financially or technically, is the guarantee for Cyme to develop its structures.

Those 3 questions were written following the Transition Forum Call for Expressions of Interest. Cyme is part of the top 20 selected projects.

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